About Me

Tarryn Torn

Primarily self taught creative creature…

Began playing music at 6 years old with the piano. Continues to play out shows to present day. Reach out to book!
Designed first website www.tarrynworld.com at age 12 continues to create online presence in various forms to present day. Self taught in graphic design, photography, videography, extended webdesign domain hosting from age 17 to present day. Began booking shows and supporting local music at age 22 to present day working in spaces like the depot, and Baltimore free farm and various other spaces creating musical gatherings for all to enjoy. Constantly creating new flyers for events, they eventually took to silk screening and now run a small silk screen shop in Baltimore city at the Corvus Commune. They now mainly work as musician, artist, and creative as well a self taught apothecarian (making healing salves and balms in their kitchen with plants they sourced locally or grew themselves) in Baltimore.
….living in Baltimore…

supreme Chaos check out my patreon projects!

birthday in…june people! Big Gemini energy!!

“I am an activist, apothecary, 2D & 3D artist, community organizer, cosplayer, gamer, sex positive feminist, silk screener, model, musician, photographer, cinematographer, videographer, web creator, and witch .”

~Tarryn Torn

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Tarryn Torn